If you would like to discuss your situation with me, please call my office at (520) 882-9904. If I am not in the office, my staff (Maria or Veronica) will obtain the necessary information. I will return your call.

At times, it is necessary for an answering service to answer my calls. I receive all messages and return calls as soon as I am available. I use an answering service to allow you to speak to a person rather than leaving a recording that may not be heard immediately. Your patience with the answering service staff is greatly appreciated.

Michael J. Bloom

How to Pick a Lawyer

Lawyer “Mills”

Lawyer advertising, including television, radio, billboards, etc., has become commonplace.  Many people think that if a lawyer is successful enough to be able to afford advertising, it is a mark in their favor.  Actually, you should steer clear of lawyers that advertise heavily.  Advertising is expensive.  To afford it, lawyers resort to an assembly line…